Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Basic finger picking exercises (Lesson 3 Part-1)

*Play each string one by one like first play high e than b than g d a E and go reverse like E a d g b e

By this you can able to increase you speed on strings and you can play them easily when you get the good speed you can proceed to next lesson.
*Play alternate strings one by one like High e than g , b than d , g than a , d than E ((1,3),(2,4),(3,5),(4,6)) and reverse of this ((6,4),(5,3)(4,2)(3,1)).

By this you can able to play riffing easily

(Do not forgot to watch the video for better understanding)

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String Names(Lesson2)

After knowing about what guitar is it we can start other lesson

1. First of all to learn guitar you have to know the string names which are like that-

e (1st the thinnest string)

b (2nd)

g (3rd)

d (4th)

a (5th)

E (6th)

There are two (e)strings one is high (e) and one is low(E)